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Can i withdraw editing rights from a person i previously shared the family tree with ?

+1 vote
I have a very extensive family tree that i am now sharing out with all members to add / edit their piece. But my worry is that someone sometime may get pissed and decide to delete all sensitive data in the tree. How do i avoid this ?
asked Aug 20, 2015 by rhlngm (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Once you have shared a tree with someone and given them permission to edit you cannot retract that permission. However, their editing ability will be much more limited that your own. You can export your tree to another account as a fail-safe, and backing up your tree is always a good idea.

Hope this helps!
answered Aug 20, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
Couldnt you just change your password so they cant sign in?  If you just share the tree, they can only edit their information, correct?
If you never extended permission to your family member to edit the tree when you first shared it, they will only be able to view, and not change, it. However, once you have given them this permisson they can access and edit whenever they want, I believe regardless of whether you change the password.

However, you are correct in saying that they will only be able to edit information pertaining to them: their own immediate family, and (I presume) relations you have in common.