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Is there a way to export the data with pictures url?

+1 vote
We have multiple ways to export the data, but dont seem to have a way to export with images, is there a way to export in csv with a url for the images?
asked Nov 19 by Simoespt (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
This is a good feature request. The developer reads these forums, but I think he prefers to get feature requests through the Send Feedback button.

Having said that, it is possible that this will not be added, because it could increase the load on his servers. Right now you can only access those photos through the Family Echo interface, but it is possible that if the URLs could be accessed more broadly that it might increase his costs. But it is also possible that that's not a big deal, because you can always get the URL yourself by right clicking on the images.
answered Nov 21 by lsommerer (51,650 points)
0 votes
Just copy and paste it. Easy.
answered Dec 4 by rocketmoore8 (2,280 points)