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How do I find the relationship between any two folks on my tree?

0 votes
When I select any one person in my tree and click on "Show relationship to (that person)", it shows me how I am related to that person. When I then click on my own name at the top of the answer box, I get a dropdown list with all the other names in my tree. When click on any one of these names to see how that person is related to the one I first chose, it simply pops back to show me once again how I am related to my first selected person. I believe this feature used to work correctly but now it seems not to. Sugestions?
asked Oct 19 by pjcooney (320 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
You are so close. On the screen that show the relationship to you, you are a drop down menu. Click on your name and pick someone else in your family.
answered Oct 22 by lsommerer (51,650 points)
Thanks for trying, but unfortunately this answer falls short of solving the problem I described above. I believe this feature used to work as this answer suggests, but now it seems not to for me. Perhaps it is a software environmental problem? I am working on a recent vintage HP laptop, running the latest edition of Windows 11, with Google Chrome as my browser. Any further suggestions?