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can 2 separate trees be joined complete so that no information eg.biography is fromeithertreelost

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222 views asked Oct 4, 2024 by Luggy (240 points)

1 Answer

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I have sectioned F/E into several smaller trees most have some physical connention,while others have a very minor connection ,.

the connection may perhaps prompt wider research on its own while in other trees they complement each other to complete a full family branch .

In either case it is necessary to join the trees without losing any subsequent information e.g any biographical notes .

How can this be achieved?
answered Oct 6, 2024 by Luggy (240 points)
If there is only one person who overlaps in both trees, then you can merge them manually. Here's a previous post that explains how to do it. If you're not comfortable doing that, there are programs that merge two GEDCOM files together. Here's an article from Family Tree Magazine that looks at a couple of them. It turns out that merging two family trees is a pretty common thing for people to want to do, and if you search on Google for "merging GEDCOM files", there are a lot of resources to look at.

As far as losing any of the fields in Family Echo, you can see what Family Echo exports as part of the GEDCOM file by downloading one of your family trees as a GEDCOM file and then reimporting it. But my recollection is that everything except pictures are exported.