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Sharing but not letting people edit the family tree

0 votes
I have non family people who asked to see it but I don't want them to edit. It would appear that once they get the invite they can edit. My concern is that a bad apple may do damage to the page.

Is there anyway to control it and just let people view it?

I will download the page just in case.


P.S. It turns out we have a few family people who don't want it up.
asked Aug 17, 2015 by bishop026 (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
When sharing with people you don't want to be able to edit the tree, untick the box in the 'Share' menu saying: 'Allow X to edit family'. Once you give them permission you cannot retract it.

It is usually a good idea to back up your tree regularly just in case.

Hope this helps!
answered Aug 17, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
How do I back up the tree to a penstick