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Splitting Tree into sections

0 votes
If you have a particularly large tree that is difficult to manage and navigate, would itbe possible to split it into a number of smaller trees and if so how do you do this ?
asked Aug 15, 2015 by Dsutherby (360 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You can save multiple trees in a Family Echo account, but there is no function to split a tree at the moment. You could share your large tree with yourself and save it under a different name - then remove all but the branch you want to leave separate.
answered Aug 19, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,250 points)
I understand this answer, it's just that it would be much easier to highlight a group of, say 50 individuals and make a new file from them, rather than having to import all 600 under a new name and then deleting the 550 you don't want.
In addition to this, it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to delete people in this way because as soon as you try and delete someone who has connections with two families (through marraige for example) you can't do it as the system complains you would be spliting the tree into two sections. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TO DO !