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is it possible to add age without birth year?

0 votes
I'm using this to make a family tree for my sims 3 game. I want to know if it's possible to add age without needing a birth or death year, since that doesn't work in the sims. I want it to say how old they got
asked Jul 24 by Malli_2002 (120 points)
retagged Jul 24 by Malli_2002

1 Answer

+1 vote
Personally I'd just write it in the Bio info. For example in the birth place or profession category, just write before or after the other info:  "age 24"

edit: just another idea, as it's only for a game, you could also just add the age after the character's name: "Georg, 58"
answered Oct 3 by emiemiemiemi (200 points)
edited Oct 4 by emiemiemiemi