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Large family trees

+1 vote


Do you know of a desktop or online family tree builder that can handle large family trees?
My idea was to collect all known names of my family, print the family tree and share it with all family members. But I realise that Family Echo can not be a solution as I only have 8 generations, but in the 5th generation I have 74 names and in the 6th generation 67 names.

So when I try to print a PDF file from Family Echo, I get a chart about 3 metres (10 ft) long, similar to yours, but that is not practical. Your solution of splitting the chart into multiple lines is very good, but I wonder how this will shorten the chart in my case!?

I have thought about curved tree lines, e.g. in the form of a semicircle (as in the picture), but I can not find a tree maker that offers this option. There is always the option to do this manually, with a graphics editor or in Coreldraw, but in this case it is not possible to use the GEDCOM files.

Link for the picture:

Thank you for your answer.


asked Jul 22, 2024 by aleksabozickovic (240 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
I think these guys can do what you want from your GEDCOM file:


answered Jul 23, 2024 by lsommerer (51,870 points)
selected Jul 25, 2024 by aleksabozickovic
Thank you very much!

I was interested in finding a solution with software, as you know that large family trees always need to be updated. Every year a few new members are added, and unfortunately we have also lost a few people...

I also wanted to add a generation in two lines. Family Echo can not do that, and I have tried several free software, but it's not possible. Maybe some software with a good descendant tree can help me. If you can recommend one, I would be very grateful.
0 votes
Maybe this is helpful for someone.
I have found a solution with the programme Gramps, with which I can create a Descendant tree. It looks like this:
Gramps also has many other options and is free. The best option for me was to create a GEDCOM file with FamilyEcho and upload it to Gramps.
answered Aug 8, 2024 by aleksabozickovic (240 points)