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How to do founders but have no info between them and first known relative?

+1 vote
So, I'm doing a family tree for a character of mine, and let's say that the family matriarch, the first one of this family branch, was born in the 10th century. We only know a little about the founder and maybe one generation after (child and grandchild), but nothing more until we get to at least the 18th century. How do I show that without having a majorly complicated tree than it is already? I mean I'm fine with just leaving it the way it is without the founders, just wanted to see if it was possible to do so without adding in random people between the generations lost.
asked Jul 7 by kotorimuse (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There is no way to skip generations, but you could just add a single "unknown ancestor" to each generation until you get where you want to add people again.
answered Jul 10 by lsommerer (50,870 points)