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Is it possible to implement a more detailed search function in the future?

+14 votes
I don't know how many people really need this, but I was wondering if in the future, it would be possible to have a search function that can narrow down results, i.e. people born in year X, people married, people alive, etc. As someone who uses this site to build a family tree for my story, a more detailed search would make it a lot easier to navigate around, especially as the tree grows to 2000+ people.

Anyway, keep up the wonderful work, Family Echo!
asked Aug 9, 2015 by pleasedonthurtme (460 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Yes that would be wonderful I'd love to be able search by birth year or even just type in someone's name when you have a lot of people on the tree it can be tedious to scroll to find them.
answered Aug 10, 2015 by jds1983 (7,260 points)
you can search a name by clicking find person, then when the dropdown appears, you type
+3 votes
I agree; a more detailed search function would make navigating the trees much easier. Perhaps also a method of typing in letters of names and being presented with all the names that fit those letters, the number of names suggested decreasing as you type more letters?
answered Aug 10, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
There's a search function?? Where?