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How do I display members' nicknames without displaying their given names?

0 votes

Several members of our family have changed their names socially (and a few legally). Some people have negative responses towards their given names, so I want to display just the nicknames/chosen names out of respect. At the same time, I want their given/legal names to be accessible in the information of the tree. So how can I display a family member's nickname or chosen name without displaying their given or legal name?

asked May 11 by MacAttack6146 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Under options at the bottom of the screen you can set how to display the name.
answered May 13 by lsommerer (50,600 points)
You have the option to display nickname however there is nowhere to enter the nickname?
The triangle next to the name shows/hides other name options.