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How to restore Add New Parents button?

+1 vote
This has been the case for several years on only one particular family tree, but as its main editor it's annoying that this specific button ("Add New Parents") is missing on my end. All but one of the editors of the same tree are not missing this button. This button is available on all of my other trees, just not this one. Can I regain use of this button? Is this something only the original creator of the tree can do? This tree has 4000+ people so I am unwilling to scrap it and start anew on an unaffected tree.

Even the "add secondary parents" button only appears for those who are direct descendants of the tree's creator (who sits at the very top, with people linking downwards). This is not helpful for my purposes. The option to select existing people as parents is still functional.

Any help in restoring the function of these buttons would be greatly appreciated.
asked Apr 26 by SugarDragon (130 points)
Adding this as a comment in case someone has a better idea. If there were no photos, I would export the GEDCOM file, and reimport it as a new tree and see if the button was present. I'm assuming you've tried a different browser?

1 Answer

0 votes
Ask the person who has the ability to edit the tree to share it with you with editing permission, making sure they have the founder selected when sharing. Save that to your account. You should now be able to add parents.
answered May 10 by blythelyre (760 points)