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Can you remove an unneeded duplicate?

+1 vote

So I have connected two siblings under one one parent. Both siblings have a decently sized branch of their own, however, it made one of the descendants duplicated to apparently avoid complications, and now the tree looks unnecessarily messy. Literally, in order to fix this dilemma, the duplicated person's line from their parent needs to be just a little bit longer. In the attached image, green circle is the duplicated person, and you can see that the parental line needs to be just a little longer and it everything would be fine. This is a fictional family btw, if that means anything. the

asked Apr 11 by bluecorallite (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
A duplicate is not a problem. It is just how you show that someone is related in more than one way. Having said that, I didn't really understand your description or the diagram. Maybe not redacting the information on a fictional family would help us see the problem.
answered Apr 15 by lsommerer (51,650 points)