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Unshare a tree link

+1 vote

I shared some nodes of my tree with some people. How is it possible to un-share the tree so that the link I sent will not be valid anymore?

Thank you,

asked Aug 7, 2015 by yaron73 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunatly, once you have shared a tree there is no way to take back permission, although people you have shared it with will be much more limited in their ability to change the tree than you. If you are really concerned about them editing the tree you could download a backup copy.

Hope this helps!
answered Aug 8, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
Thank you.
Two points I would like to ask:
1. If I delete the shared node from the tree and then create it again from scratch - will the shared link for the old node be invalid, therefore, deleted?
2. Can an un-share function be added? One would simply (?) need to delete the shared link that is related to the node, and create a new one.

That is an interesting possibility, and one which you should probably ask another question about, but with relavant tags to draw it to the attention of Family Echo. Otherwise you could contact them directly.
Thanks. I will contact Family Echo directly and see how it goes.