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is there a way to show the entire tree at once including all the sub branches?

+3 votes
I'm using this for my characters and its getting super complicated, i just want to see everything!
asked Mar 21 by Jozette__ (150 points)
Have ou clicked on options and changed the Parents, Children, and Other values to their maximum?
Thanks for replying!! I just tried that and it didn't change anything :((
Well, you've really done everything you can. When trees get large, they are hard to display. I think every program does this at some point. You can always display all of the decedents of a person, and all of the ancestors of a person. It's when things get wide that you lose people. My own solution was to make several PDF and then combine them for printing. You can read more about that here: http://answers.familyecho.com/9406/how-do-i-print-or-show-the-entire-family-tree?show=9406#q9406

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