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I made a fictional family on this site and don't know how to share it.

0 votes
I made a fictional family tree of a fandom with over 440 members on the tree and I want to post my work to different social medias. A couple I can use the sites download HTML file option and upload it to the site, but for most they don't want uploaded files and just want shared a wedsite link. Like www.whatIwanttoshowmyfriends.com. So is there a way to make a link to my family? Edit: When I click the share button it allows me to make a link but it says the people I share it with will be able to modify the tree, which I do not want.

If possible please let me know.
asked Mar 13 by RosieGeee (120 points)
edited Mar 14 by RosieGeee

1 Answer

0 votes
There is a share buttone at the bottom. It is between download and calender. You can create a link to share with someone There is also an option if you don't want to allow the tree to be edited.
answered Mar 14 by jds1983 (7,260 points)