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Can't add parents

+2 votes
The founder of the family tree invited me to edit the family tree with her and I can add children and partners but I cannot add a set of parents to someone in the family tree. I've tried adding parents to multiple different people on the family tree, and none of them already have parents on the tree either. Not sure what is wrong, please send help.
asked Mar 8, 2024 by Chami2207 (140 points)
What do you see when you click on the "Add new parent" button on the left?
I have the same issue, I have been added by a Cousin to help them with building our joint family tree, but I can't add older generations in.  It just gives me the option to add 'Partners' or  'Children'  and then an option to Create a new blank tree for the person I have selected.

1 Answer

0 votes
Sometime, I'm assuming realtively recently, Family Echo changed the limit for how far people can added from the "Founder" of the tree. I would reccomend making a complaint through the contact form.  This truly is an awful change, as one of Family Echo's best feature was that they were limitless and simple. The FAQs says that this is in order to provide privacy for distant family members, however Family Echo already has a pretty secure sharing feautre, as there is no way to remotely access any other family tree without it being shared first.
answered Jun 28, 2024 by marshmallow-world (180 points)