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How can i share/email the family tree with someone else?

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Hello, i wanted to share/email the family tree that i have created with a specific person and i want this specific person to be able to edit the family tree without giving this specific person my username and password. how would i do that if it is possible,
asked Mar 6, 2024 by Dorasban1! (120 points)

1 Answer

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To share your family tree with other people in your family:

  1. Click on the person in your family tree that you want to share the family tree with and then click "Invite <name> to share family" in the upper left. OR Click on the "Share" link at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Decide whether you are giving them permission to VIEW the tree or EDIT the tree. 

    NOTE 1: Once you give someone permission to view or edit the family tree, you can not remove that permission. Even deleting the tree will not remove their access to the tree. You could delete everyone from the tree, but you can't keep them from downloading the tree before you do that. I'm not trying to tell you not to share your family tree. Just be aware that this is not a decision you can change after you make it. 

    NOTE 2: You should really download a backup copy of your tree before you share it. Even someone with good intentions could make a change to the tree that you didn't intend. You should really be downloading a backup after any major modification to your family tree. 
  3. Decide whether to send them an email from within the Family Echo interface or to create a link that you can give to them however you would like. 

    NOTE 3: If you create a link and intend to send it to more than one person, be aware that the link sets the person that you initial clicked on as "you". This may confuse some of your family members. When creating a link to send to more than one person, you might consider creating the link by clicking on a common ancestor instead. If you decide to do that, you will have to make the common ancestor "living", because you can't share your family tree with a dead relative. After you create the link, you can change them back to dead. 
  4. Send the email or link.
answered Mar 6, 2024 by lsommerer (52,610 points)