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How to represent twins separately from simple brother and sister without date of birth?

+3 votes
hello, I would like to represent twin brothers and sisters differently from simple brothers and sisters. Is the option possible? If yes, how ? If not, would it be possible to add it?
I don't have a specific date of birth because I'm creating a tree for fiction and not that of my real family.
Thanks in advance.
asked Feb 25, 2024 by Fafafa (150 points)
Is there a reason you can't create a date of birth? I mean, you did create the brother and sister.
It is true that I could create birth dates for my characters, but the situation remains the same. Twins are not represented any differently than a brother and sister who are not the same age. It seems to me that in the "classic" way of creating trees, the twins are represented by a sort of upside-down V. In short, a line which starts from the same base but which separates in two. It would have been great to be able to do that here too!
I think it's.a neat idea. Draw the lines down to twins from the same point on the "sibling line". But I worry about what that will look like when the twins are no longer right next to each other because they each have 4 generations of descendants? I tried to picture that, and it wasn't pretty. What are your thoughts about that case?
I'm wondering if we could simply change the color of the box to designate the relationship, the way we can for gender? Or maybe the color of the relation lines?
Sometimes history gets fuzzy when you get in the olden days, so if you can't add birth dates it gets weird and just looks like they were never twins at all. This has been really frustrating for me as I research my family history throughout the 1600s, 1700s, 1800s, and sometimes even the early 1900s!

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