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Pedigree Chart View?

+1 vote

I was trying to figure out if there is a option available to display only what I think is called a "pedigree chart".  A family tree showing only direct decendants, parents, grandparents, great gransparents, etc.

I went a little crazy and have documented any relation I can find so my tree has gotten quite WIDE and not necessarily deep... more of a family shrub. laugh

Thank you


asked Feb 13 by criddery (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I'm not sure I understand the question. That said, if you're asking, I would just create different family trees. One for your shrub, one for your pedigree.

Disclaimer: I just joined, like, yesterday. I'm still figuring stuff out.
answered Feb 13 by Smaer (260 points)
0 votes
There really isn't. When I want to use a different kind of chart, I export my GEDCOM file (photos are not exported), and impurt it into another geneology program. I find Family Tree Maker has a lot of charting options.
answered Feb 16 by lsommerer (50,670 points)