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Link sharing from other family members

0 votes
I shared a view-only link to a family member, is it possible for this person to send a link with editing access to another person? And if a person has editing access to my family tree is it possible to revoke the access or prevent more people from accessing my family tree and/or editing it?

The reason I am asking this is because a family member has gained access to editing the family tree but the person they received the link from does not have editing access. If this loophole actually exists then there is no real way to even attempt control at who receives editing access as anyone with a viewing link can give editing access to whoever they wish without the family tree creator's approval.

I sincerely request a way for the family tree creator to be able to control who gets to edit the family tree. If such a feature is already in the works then I would like to know the ETA.

asked Feb 12, 2024 by FirasMoosa (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Only users with editing privileges can share the tree with other people (you're welcome to test this for yourself). So whoever got editing access must have got it another way, presumably in the past.
answered Feb 12, 2024 by gidgreen (10,940 points)