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Can I make all persons show in the tree?

0 votes
Hoping to make every family member show whether biological or non biological...some branches don't appear but I want every entry to show when I have selected myself on the tree whether a direct relation or not.
asked Feb 1 by RJSpeed78 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Have you gone into Options and changed Parents, Children, and Other to the maximum values?
answered Feb 1 by lsommerer (50,670 points)
I had the same issue, and I went to change all values to maximum but I can't see everyone in the tree. Would you have any other idea of a solution? thank you!
You can always show all of the ancestors and descendants of a person by clicking on that person. But as the relationships get further away, there is some pruning that happens in Familly Echo's display algorithm. I have found that when I want to display a lot of people it is often better to create several views of the family tree and combine them. You can read more about that here: https://laurenandlloyd.com/2021/06/15/family-tree/