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If there was a drop down box on the birth date section that had B.C. or A.D so people don't look out of order

+4 votes
580 views asked Aug 3, 2015 by PWwriter (1,550 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Although at the moment there is no way to do this directly, a workable solution is to add a blank box as a 'parent' to the last person born ACE. Write in the name of this box something like: 'All above dates are BCE'. Then simply continue adding people as normal, writing their BCE dates in as you would ACE dates.

Hope this helps!
answered Aug 8, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)
I'm so impressed that PWwriter even needs to ASK this question!!  WOW!
I know, it's really impressive!