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Will the personal information and biography be safe when I send my tree to a relative?

–2 votes
261 views asked Jan 22, 2024 by Pamsuzanne (1,800 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What do you mean by safe? They will be able to see the information, and they will be able to change the information if you allowed them to edit the tree.
answered Jan 23, 2024 by lsommerer (52,470 points)
Obviously in this example, "would they be safe" would mean would they still show on the tree when I send it. I can't understand why you asked me what I mean by safe. Anyway, apart from that thankyou for answering my question.
When people put their information online, they often wonder if it is safe to do so. That is to say, will other people be able to see my personal information. They really mean will my information be secure, but we say things like "safe and secure" and treat them as the same thing. Inmany contexts they are the same thing.

When we say safe, we also often mean, "Will the information still be there when I log back on." Here the word safe is used like the word save: "Will my information be saved until the next time I log in."

It was not immediately obvious to me which of those you were asking about, so I thought I would ask. I still don't know.