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How can I stop findagrave.com taking over if it's a person's "website"?

0 votes
Find-a-grave is a convenient free service to locate and show burial and obituary information. Making the appropriate Find-a-grave page a person's webite is useful, but trying to return to Family Echo doesn't work very well. Find-a-grave takes over the page and when I hit the Back button in the browser, I go back to Family Echo briefly but Find-a-grave grabs the page again so I can't return (strange behaviour, best to try it to understand).

For example, here is Whitney Houston's Find-a-grave (I'm not related, but we can use it as an example) http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=84839013

Paste it in as a person's website and see what happens. When you click "Show [your person's] website" it will go out to the Find-a-grave [for Whitney Houston or whoever you've pointed to] but you will have difficulty getting back to Family Echo.
asked Aug 3, 2015 by beccamacca1 (240 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Interesting, I was able to reproduce this (at least with the Whitney Houston page shown, in Chrome 44.0.2403.125). 

Only a guess, but I suspect that this issue is specific to Findagrave and cannot be fixed on FamilyEcho's end. It probably has to do with how Findagrave handles frames - the "Click to see X's Website" feature opens a URL inside a browser frame, and something with Findagrave probably isn't playing nice with FamilyEcho's attempt to do this - it immediately wipes out all other frames on the page and just displays a Findagrave page like any other website. 

As a short-term workaround, one way to get your tree back is to hold down the back button and skip back two pages - this will prevent Findagrave from automatically redirecting you. (Unfortunately, you'll still have to navigate all over again to the person you were originally looking at in your tree.)




answered Aug 6, 2015 by mb663 (200 points)
With Firefox (39.0) the attempt to skip back two (or several) pages doesn't even work. The Family Echo page appears, but Find-a-grave comes back and immediately takes over again!

If it is a frames thing as you suggest, maybe getting "Show ... website" to open in a new tab would work better?
I don't think that's possible, at least not in Chrome. Those buttons are not formatted as normal hyperlinks and in Chrome you can't right-click them to select "open link in new tab." It is possible you might be able to hack a solution by messing with the page using various extensions and the Chrome developer tools console, but that sounds like a lot of work for not very much payoff.