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Is there a quick way to rearrange my family members from right side to left side of the tree and vice versa?

+1 vote
I would like to arrange the oldest sibling on the left side to the youngest on the right side.
asked Jan 13 by ThePhamFamilyTree (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Same question, but no answer yet.  

i started out with siblings arranged by age, but as I was working on the chart, the arrangements shifted by itself and I cannot find a way to rearrange the order of siblings.  

answered Jan 15 by Jense14 (150 points)
+1 vote
They should automatically arrange from oldest to youngest (left to right) based on the date of birth for each sibling. If no date of birth information is known, you can click on "Change or delete" then "Change Sibling Order".
answered Jan 16 by lsommerer (45,380 points)