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Append GEDCOM file to existing tree

+1 vote

Given how versatile FamilyEcho is, I was wondering if there is a possibility to join two family trees by their common members. Even if they could only be connected by a single link, for example if I wanted to join my tree with my partner's (just a horizontal line), it would be immensely helpful and quite a timesaver.

If there is not, I may submit the idea via the feedback form. I believe it would be a splendid addition.

Thank you,

closed with the note: There is no interactive way to do it, nor is it expected that there ever will be. This is the best solution (perhaps consider using Visual Studio Code for the task): http://answers.familyecho.com/375/merge-two-trees-together-by-a-marrriage?show=765#a765
asked Jan 10 by MachineNeil (390 points)
closed Jan 14 by MachineNeil