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Family Echo Says: You do not have permission to view this family.

0 votes
I've been working on a fantasy world setting with a large bloodline spanning over 500 - 600 years ish, which has been expanded on for nearly 3 years, bit by bit. Yesterday it was working fine, but today when I logged on my account, all of my family echo files do not allow me to enter and view them. It says "You do not have permission to view this family" in a popup window. I can make new ones and they work perfectly fine, but not the ones I've made throughout the several years of using this website.

Why has this happened? I've lost a lot of work.
asked Jan 9 by MalviousG (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Sorry, we had some server downtime, it should be fixed now.
answered Jan 9 by gidgreen (10,920 points)
Ah! That explains it. I was getting worried there for a second. Thank you for the update. Seems to be working perfectly now.

Keep up the great work with this website! It has allowed me a lot of creative freedom! <3
Thank you very much