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I got an error when I try to access my saved family trees

0 votes
So I just got on Family Echo in order to work on one of my Family Trees. But I got an error that says I can't view the tree and nothing appears. This is weird because I am logged into my account and can see all my trees listed. I really hope this is just an error because I worked hard on these trees and it would be very upsetting if I lose all my hard work.

Okay, so it's just some of my older trees that are acting up? Like I just got into one of my newer trees and I see everything there. But many of my old trees are the important ones.
asked Jan 9 by Silenxia (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Sorry, we had some server downtime, it should be fixed now.
answered Jan 9 by gidgreen (10,880 points)
It's working now! Thank you very much.