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will there ever be an app made for familyecho? if not, will it ever be mobile friendly?

+11 votes
to put it simply, using the website on mobile is extremely frustating. The site as it is, is nowhere close to being mobile friendly. It's like putting a desktop screen onto a mobile device and realizing you can really only use this site on desktop, unless you tough through it by changing your mobile device's text size (then changing back whenever you go to anywhere else) + zooming in and out a lot, likely just to read what you wrote or to click a button.
asked Jan 8, 2024 by Dull_Demon47 (350 points)
I'm adding this as a comment, because I don't actually know how the developer would answer this, but one of the reasons to do something like this as a website is that it will work on any device. It sounds like the main problem you're having is that the text in the main window is too small. That could probably be fixed with a separate CSS for mobile. You might get quicker action if you campaigned for something like that.
Im sorry, but just based on your reply, you have never used family echo on mobile or you see no issue in the site being basically unusable on mobile.

A mobile app would greatly help the site in multiple ways and spread the word of it. However, Just making the site itself Mobile friendly would lead to more people using the site in general.

Needing to Zoom in and out just to use the site is not mobile friendly (three different mobile devices have been used to test the site, all have the same result)
If you zoom to far and no longer have access to any buttons or menus, you are forced to reload the whole page. This is extremely annoying and not mobile friendly.
The text size can not be changed via browser and you must change your entire devices text size. This is already very big issue in itself.

In short, in not making the site mobile friendly. They are simply driving people away as only people with a Desktop or Laptop can effectively use Familyecho as intended.
I think you may have discovered that a phone is not a substitute for a computer.
The website definitely needs a mobile friendly version - it’s  impossible to navigate in its current form.
It would be interesting to see some mockups of a more web friendly version. Maybe some of you who are interested could take a crack at coming up with something?
Isommerer: Not everyone has access to a computer 24/7 nor a laptop to take with them everywhere they go. Having a mobile friendly version would be extremely beneficial to just about everyone.

1 Answer

0 votes
If I had a mobile app I could update my tree anytime I find something.
answered Dec 27, 2024 by rocketmoore8 (7,400 points)