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I need editing assistance please.

0 votes
I have biological parents and an adoptive father married to my biological Mother on our family tree and I'm listed twice, once as a duplicate.I needed to add my adopted father's information, who's married to my biological mother to my deceased biological father's side of the family tree.  I thought I had without issue, but now I appear as a duplicate.  How can I fix that? I'd like to only be in the family tree once with the appropriate lines drawn between me and the rest of the family.  Can you please assist me?  I tried to delete the duplicate, but must be doing something incorrectly.
asked Jan 2 by yyw7bd (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There's nothing wrong with having a "Duplicate" in a family tree. It just means that person is related to the people in the tree in more than one way. If a person were drawing the tree they might draw a line across multiple generations and have it jump over other lines. But there's no way for the program to figure out the best way to do that, so someone related in multiple ways is shown in both of those spots. There's nothing that needs to be fixed.
answered Jan 5 by lsommerer (51,650 points)