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Cannot Delete Members of Tree or Update Partner/Parents

0 votes
I cannot figure out how to delete members of the tree or update their respective partner/parents to position the person in the right part of the tree. It's unclear to me how deleting them would split the tree apart, is there a way to explicitly see the connection that would cause the split so I know exactly where to go to fix it as needed?
asked Dec 30, 2023 by sgiangra (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I think you get that message when you are deleting someone who is the only parent of someone else in the tree. You can delete the decendents of that person and then delete them and add them all back in the right spot. You could also just edit that person to put them in the right spot by changing their parents or spouse.
answered Jan 5 by lsommerer (51,650 points)