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Link two family tree (not merge or import)

0 votes
My brother-in-law has his own FamilyEcho family tree. Can I create a link to his family tree so that I can view his side of family in my tree and vise-versa. Also, any change he makes on his side will be refected on mine. This way we can just give view permission to each other and keep editing respective tree.
This functionality will make the tree scalable and secure. My tree could be linked to multiple other trees. My mother's side of the family tree can be maintained by my cousin (my maternal uncle's son). You can extend this functionality to enable/disable viewing of secondary link (my cousin can make a request to see my brother-in-law's tree).
asked Dec 3, 2023 by karun.poudel (270 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There is no built in way to accomplish what you want to do. You could put the link to the other FamilyEcho trees in a field that you don't use (maybe website or interest). You could make that a field that is displayed on the person't card (you do that from options), but it won't be a link from the card. It will be a link from the person's information on the left.
answered Dec 4, 2023 by lsommerer (51,650 points)