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How can I hide ex-spouses?

0 votes
Is there a way to hide ex-spouses?  I have a few cousins that have multiple marriage and divorces.  I would rather not show all of them when I am printing it out because for most purposes, it eats up a lot of room, but I don't really want to delete the info.  I just want to hide them for some of the time.
asked Jul 31, 2015 by kymom94 (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
You can't. Sorry. Write to Family Echo maybe
answered Jul 31, 2015 by tessypop2 (830 points)
0 votes
This may be possible by clicking on yourself or someone else not directly related to those you don't want to print, and then changing the 'Others' menu to 'None' or '1 gen'. I'm afraid you'll have to try it as it may also hide people you are trying to print.
answered Aug 2, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,190 points)