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"Try deleting the parents and their relatives instead, or deleting this person." -> leads nowwhere..

+1 vote
I mistakenly connected my oldest ancestor to another person who is not his son. Now I can't disconnect the connection, "This choice of parents is not allowed because it would split the tree. Try deleting the parents and their relatives instead, or deleting this person."
I removed the progenitor, but his wife remained, and she cannot be removed. Vicious circle.
asked Nov 27, 2023 by mirszn (160 points)
Perhaps my question is difficult, either because of a misunderstanding of what I mean, or perhaps even those who understand do not find a solution.
I would like to avoid rewriting the entire tree, I see workaround, so the question:

Is it possible to selectively export to Gedcom starting from a specific person?
Two such exports (2 people that I mistakenly wrote down as brothers) and that's it.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Can you change the parents of the "son" to the correct person in the tree?

[change or delete] -> [change parents[
answered Nov 30, 2023 by lsommerer (52,470 points)
No, I could not.
Instead, I exported gedcom -> imported to the another software-> made changes->exported gedcom->imported back to familyecho (new family) Now all is OK.