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Does a new branch remain accessible to the founder

+3 votes
When I tried to get sister to edit my brother-in-law's details on the tree, and add his side of the family, she told me she couldn't add his siblings. She got the option to invite him to start a fresh branch for his family.

How does this work?

Does a new branch created this way still remain a part of the original (my) tree?

Because I noticed this option, I haven't shared the tree with a few people for them to edit. Ours is a pretty large family and one person cannot do all the entries. If someone creates a fresh tree as a branch of my tree, will that branch still be accessible to me, and anyone whom I share the tree with - or will it become a tree owned by the person who started the branch
asked Nov 13, 2023 by sreegovind@gmail.com (150 points)
Probably a glitch, because it worked for me.

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