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Transfer of family tree from other site

0 votes
I have spent some years building my family tree at MyHeritage.com and it now numbers around 2,500 people. Due to an unauthorised transaction, I wish to transfer my family tree to another site and FamilyEcho has been suggested. I understand the transfer can be made via GEDCOM but I am unable to get a satisfactory answer from the current site on how I should go about it.

Evidently GEDCOM is compatible with both my existing site and FamilyEcho but I would appreciate an easy to understand outline of how I should go about the transfer.

Thank you

Tony Morgan

Adelaide, SA, Australia
asked Jan 25, 2015 by tony.morgan (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
To transfer your file you will first need to create a Family Echo account. Once you are signed in to the site, please click 'My Account' in the top right of the page. You should see a button labelled 'Create or import new family'. If you click on that button then in the bottom of the left-hand panel you will see a button to 'Import GEDCOM or FamilyScript...'. Please choose the GEDCOM file from your computer (assuming you have already downloaded it from the other site) and you should see your family tree in Family Echo.

If you have any problems with this process, please just add a follow-on question, or comment.

answered Jan 27, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,250 points)