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How do I add in a sibling who is a person already existing on tree

+3 votes
There is an option for adding in a partner from someone already existing on the tree, but not for siblings. I tried adding individual parents to each sibling and then partnering them, but the result looks more like step-siblings than being biologically related. Is there a way to join them so that they are siblings, even though they are also married to distant members of the family tree branches?
asked Nov 8, 2023 by alanmoonmage (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I think you need to go about this by changing the parents of the siblings so that they have the same parents. You can change parents to someone already in the tree from "change or delete" then "change parents..
answered Nov 12, 2023 by lsommerer (48,700 points)