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Birth names on CSV

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When downloading family tree to a CSV, the surname used is the surname now. Is there any way to change this so that I can download my tree with everyone having their birth surnames?
asked Nov 4, 2023 by 31harrypotter07 (790 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

The CSV file has the Surname now (column G) and the Surname at birth (column H). If you need the full name at birth, you could insert a column and paste in the formula =D2&" "&I2 [note that these examples assume that you insert the new column between Full Name and Given Names].  That will work as long as they have a surname at birth in your family tree. If you'd like the name to use the Surname now column if there isn't anything in the Surname at birth column, you could do something like this: =D2&" "&IF(ISBLANK(I2),H2,I2). That will still look a little funny if you have a blank given name.

answered Nov 6, 2023 by lsommerer (50,800 points)
selected Nov 6, 2023 by 31harrypotter07
Fabulous thanks so much this worked perfectly :)