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Entered 3rd child and then 1st child

0 votes
Can I correct/switch or must I renter
asked Nov 2, 2023 by MRelich71 (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The default order is by birth, so entering any birth date information will put the siblings in the correct order. If no birth date infomration is known, but you know the birth order, you can explicitely set it by clicking on a sibling, clicking the "Change/delete" button on the left, then "Change sibling order" or something like that.

I don't actually know what happens if you change sibling order and there are birth dates. Is it even an option then?
answered Nov 3, 2023 by lsommerer (51,650 points)
0 votes
You can't change the sibiling order if you put in birthdates. You must change the birthdates, and then the order will automatically change. But, if you have twins, triplets, etc, you have the ability to change the sibiling order.
answered Nov 3, 2023 by 27somane (1,270 points)