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How do I merge two people in the same tree if they are the same person

0 votes
I have a large tree in one file. Having drawn different branches I now have two people on separate branches that are the same and, in effect, finally joins up the whole wider familyecho. I tried giving the two boxes identical details hoping Family Tree would prompt me as to whether they were the same person, but no luck.

I have just found a comment in September asking a similar question, but the answer was that it is very difficult to do. Any easy suggestions?
asked Oct 25, 2023 by QuiRid1 (140 points)
edited Oct 25, 2023 by QuiRid1

1 Answer

0 votes

You have two options for making them the same person:

  • Partner with someone already in tree (via the "Add partner/ex" button)
  • Set Parents to someone already in the tree (via the "Change or delete" then "change parents" buttons)

You will delete one of the identical people, then add them back at that spot by picking their spouse or child and using one of the methods above. 

That's not the best explanation. If it doesn't make sense, let me know.

answered Oct 26, 2023 by lsommerer (51,650 points)
edited Oct 30, 2023 by lsommerer
Thank you. Did just what I wanted