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How to add a title (Sgt., Elder, Dr., etc.)

+6 votes

How do I add a title to a person's name? i.e. Rev. (Reverand), Sgt (or Sergeant), Dr (or Doctor), Elder (or in original German Ält.). 

If I add it to the begining of the name, it appears on the tree as a first name. Maybe add it add the end (preceded by a comma?)

It would be nice if there was a drop-down box for titles. If there was, it should include an option for manually entering unsual titles (like Elder). 

Related question: Is it even appropiate or helpful or common practice to include titles on a family tree?

asked Jul 26, 2015 by radiodave2 (200 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
I'm afraid there's no direct way right now to show titles on a tree. The best suggestion would be (as you say) to include it after the surname, with a comma.

Generally speaking I don't see titles on family trees, because people are not born with them!
answered Jul 29, 2015 by gidgreen (10,940 points)