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How do I add an unrelated person? If this isn’t already a feature, when will it be added?

0 votes
Sorry if this has already been asked, I haven't seen it.

It's just super frustrating. I've tried "hacks" that seem like would work, like adding parents then deleting them, but they still remain sibling to one parent, or adding a lover, but then I cannot remove the relationship without having to delete them.

Please tell me this is a feature, and I'm just being dumb.
asked Sep 22, 2023 by cattywatty (770 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There really isn't a way to add a person to the family tree that isn't either biologically or legally realted to someone else in the tree. But "legally" is pretty broad. Any form of "partnership" counts.

Maybe if you describe the relationship you would like to add to the tree, or what your overall use case is then someone who has had a similar experience could offer some advice.
answered Sep 25, 2023 by lsommerer (52,470 points)