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Remove others to see history

0 votes
Is there a way to remove history or will people I add to the tree later be able to see the family tree changes I made before adding them?? Or any other alternatiev?

I have to add a family member to the tree and share the link but I dont want them to see the history of the family tree
asked Sep 16, 2023 by avanibajaj (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If, after you share the family tree with them, they create a Family Echo account, they will be able to see the change History for the family tree.

You could get around this by exporting your family tree and reimporting it. That will clear the history (for the new tree). If you plan on sharing your Family Tree and plan on giving people editing permission, you should make a backup of your family tree anyway.

Note that photos are not exported or imported.
answered Sep 18, 2023 by lsommerer (50,890 points)