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Can there be a nationality/ethnicity field to enter information into?

+1 vote
Since I use this mostly for my characters and their family's I often use other countries as a place of original, though it happens a lot in the real world too. I've been wanting a field to enter their nationality and then their ehtnicity. Maybe just the ethnicity/heritage? The birthplace works to indicate their individual nationality if they lived in that location when born, but it doesn't account for being born in a place where someone is visitng and that not be their true place of living.
I know this isn't worded very well, but any feedback on the possibiltiy of this information field would be great!
asked Sep 5, 2023 by AliphaMarrel (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Is there a corresponding GEDCOM field for this? I'd say the suggestion is more likely to be implemented if it matches up with a GEDCOM field that should be supported.

The Biology field would work better for some of what you want to do. Because people move around, it's probably better to keep track of where they lived, and when they lived there, than to have a static nationality field.
answered Sep 5, 2023 by lsommerer (52,270 points)
edited Sep 5, 2023 by lsommerer