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How do I transfer a unique ref. number from an Echo field to another programme (Roots Magic)?

0 votes
Each memnber of my family tree has been allocated a unique reference number that allows me to identify both the person and their generation in relation to myself.  When I started off with Family Echo I used the e-mail field so that the reference showed up on the Echo Tree.  I want to now expand my tree and its scope and usage and wish to move the current Echo information to Roots Magic, but cannot get the reference number to transfer to anywhere on Roots Magic.

What field should I use in Echo so that the reference number is transferred to a Roots Magic tree?  I accept that I will have to re-enter my reference number into another field on Echo, but I can't do that in Roots Magic because of the number of duplicate family names in the tree would lead to possible errors.


Any guidance would be appreciated.  Many thanks
asked Sep 3, 2023 by RDMFamily (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

It looks like you have these options in Family Echo that will be imported into RootsMagic:

  • Birth Place
  • Death Place
  • Cause of Death
  • Burial Place
  • Profession
  • Company

I compiled this list by creating a 1 person family tree in Family Echo, exporting the GEDCOM file and importing it into the free version of Roots Magic. I came across a few posts that say it's hard to get information back out of Roots Magic in a format that other programs can support.

answered Sep 4, 2023 by lsommerer (50,890 points)