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Half-brother & Half-sister not showing as Uncle & Aunt to Newphews and Neice

+1 vote
In case more detail is needed: my parents divorced when I was young, my mother remarried and had a son and daughter, so at  my generation level there's my brother, my half-brother, half-sister and myself.

My brother has had two sons and a daughter, but when I click on any of my nephews or neice the tree narrows down to just the direct lines up through my mother and father, then my grandparents only, it doesn't show a branch across to include my step-father, my half-brother and half-sister even though they are aunts and uncles by blood relation.

Is this considered a fault, or is there something in the settings to make them appear?

I have the gen settings on their defaults, just curious as to why this is happening.
asked Sep 1, 2023 by YenRug (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It seems like this has to do with how far out Family Echo looks at those step relatives. I don't think there is any way to can click on the the nephews and nieces and have your children show. They should all appear if you click on you or any of your siblings (half or otherwise). If they don't appear in that case, then look at your settings in options.
answered Sep 4, 2023 by lsommerer (51,710 points)