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'Find (# people)' drop box. Numbers after names?

0 votes

Hi there,

Does anyone know what the numbers after names mean when you search for specific people using the 'Find' drop box? I thought it might be generation but I'm not too sure...

Some have one number, some have two e.g.

  • Jo Bloggs (-11),
  • Anyone Person (4-),
  • Jane Doe (2-10)
  • Thomas Tankengine (12-15)

There are a couple that don't have any number at all.

Many thanks (names have been changed, numbers not.)

asked Jul 22, 2015 by Reixma (200 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The numbers are birth and death dates. The first number is the DOB, the second number is the DOD.

Hope this helps!
answered Jul 22, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)
selected Jul 23, 2015 by Reixma
That would make sense. My tree is for Sims and is done by generation. Hadn't made that connection! Thanks for that!
You're welcome!