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Can I publish a genealogical tree?

0 votes
Hi! I'm a historian, and I want to use a genealogical tree that I created on FamilyEcho for an academic publication. Can I do that? To whom does the copyright of my genealogical trees belong?
asked Aug 25, 2023 by giorgiotosco (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Family Echo is pretty specific in that the data about the families that you enter belongs to you. You can read the Terms of Service to verify that. My reading of the terms of service suggest to me that you might need to reach out to Family Echo (via the feedback link) for permission to publish Family Echo's representation of that data. But I am not a laqyer or an employee of Family Echo, so I could be wrong about that. 

answered Aug 28, 2023 by lsommerer (49,910 points)