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How do I add step-parents without making them a couple?

0 votes
I have two children whose biological parents are married to different peope - the bio dad is married to a man, and the bio mom is married to a woman, although I don't think the genders are actually important. I am trying to add the dad's husband and mom's wife as step-parents, but when I add them as secondary parents, it creates a romantic relationship between the step-dad and step-mom as if they were married to each other. How do I fix this?
asked Aug 22, 2023 by ISwearILied (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I don't think this is a particularly uncommon situation. The first thing to relize is that there must be a line connecting the biological parents to each other. This is how you indicate that these are the mother and father of the two children. The line, in this case, doesn't represent that they are in a relationship, just that they had a relationship (of some sort) at one time, and that relationship resulted in two children.

You might be interested in going into Options (at the bottom of the screen) and changing the connecting lines for ex-partners to dashed (or whatever).
answered Aug 25, 2023 by lsommerer (51,710 points)